Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Hi guys and gals! 
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret... you guys promise you wont tell? 
I hated life until this year. I was so unhappy and I couldn't figure out why. I had everything you could dream of. I had a family who loved me. I had friends. I had money. I traveled all the time. My parents surprised me with my dream car. I had all of that and more, but yet, I still wasn't happy. Why is that? YOU decide when you're happy, not the people around you or the things around you. This march my world took a turn. I made the decision to be happy. You see, this march my grandma fell and broke her leg the day I got back from my vacay. My grandparents own a goat ranch. Many of you know that when you have a ranch, march is prime "kidding" season. We had 200 babies on the ground. They were depending on my grandma to bottle feed them. She cant do that with a broken foot. Therefore, that leaves yours truly to take care of the babies. I spent 7 hours at the farm, 3 babysitting and 6 doing school. This was such a stressful time for me. I was angry that I had to do stuff I don't care to do for 16 hours a day. I was angry that I didn't get to see friends. I was overall just angry that I HAD to spend the next 3 months doing that. I was so unhappy and stressed. I knew something different had to be done. I made a commitment, I couldn't get out of it. I knew I needed to be happy. I just didn't know how, so I did what all teens do. I went to pinteret and I looked up some positive quotes. They all had the basic point of YOU decide when you're happy. All this time I was searching for happiness. 
Here are my top 5 tips to being happy 

1. Affirmations. 
I swear I'm not crazy, ok? 
every morning when you wake up simply say "I am happy!"
 You will eventually say it so many times you start believing it. 

2. Do something that makes you happy. 
Even on days you have what feels like no time at all, find time [you'll thank me later].
Here's some good some things I like to do... drink coffee on the porch for a few minutes. Read a chapter of personal development or whatever type of books you like. You could even journal. 

3. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for. 
I have a separate notebook for this and once a day I [try] to write down what I'm grateful for. 
it automatically puts a smile on my face

4. Cleaning 
Most people don't find cleaning a "joyful" thing to do. Cleaning is my favorite way to decompress.
Nothings better than a clean room. Seriously, I challenge you to go set a timer for 15 minutes and clean your little heart away. Not only will you have a clean house, but you'll be in a much better mood. 

5. Yoga
Hi, my names Reese and I'm a yoga addict..... 
For reals tho, who doesn't love yoga? Yoga is so much more than stretching, its about clearing/calming your mind. I always feel so much better after yoga, even if its only 10 minutes. If you don't know where to start, go to youtube. They have countless instructional videos. Or you could even go to a yoga studio, if you live near one. 

I hope after todays blog you guys decide to be HAPPY!!! Its the best decision I've ever made. Life is so much better with happiness. 

Much love, Reese 

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