Tuesday, October 11, 2016

                               BE CONTENT NOT ENVIOUS

Hey!  Today I'm going to be talking about being content with all God has given us. I don't know about you, but I constantly find myself on youtube  watching house and room tours and I find myself wanting everything they have. Its almost to the point where I'm jealous over stupid little things like their bed spread or the lighting in their room. James 3:16 reminds us not to be so envious. It says, "For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice."
For any of y'all wondering "vile" means "extremely unpleasant." I know that when I'm unpleasant that nobody else around me is happy. The verse is basically saying that wherever you're jealous its going to be a very vile place. Proverbs 14:30 is also a great verse.
'A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot."
Tranquil means peaceful. I know for a fact that I want a peaceful heart and I'm sure you do too! The main point I'm trying to get here is that being envious is so, so hard and very unpleasant, for both you and the people around you.  Now lets move onto the positive of this post its about "being content". when I think of content I think of me sitting in a comfy chair, drinking hot tea, reading and holding my 6 week old kitten. To me "contentment" means being okay with everything you see.
Hebrews 13:5 says,
keep your life free from love and money, and be CONTENT with what you have. for he has said, " never will I leave you and never will I forsake you."
I know sometimes you want  all the money in the world and be jealous when you see people will all the money in the world.  please just remember that all you need  to be content is Jesus.

Thanks for reading! I hope that you enjoyed reading and that you learned something. please tell a friends or two about my blog and leave nay questions or comments down below.

            -xo Reese A Ziegler


  1. Hey Reese! K.A here! :P This was a great post! :) Loved it. It's a great reminder to be content with all that I have. :) I'll try to tell some people about your blog! Hope you get this comment!

  2. This is a great post! It's so true. Thank you for writing it.

    1. thank you! I try to relate to my blog viewers. thanks for taking time out of your day to read my post!
